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Posts by category
- Category: Insights
- Craig Oldfield named Stonbury Employee of the Year 2024
- Rising to the challenges of AMP8
- Stonbury achieves Achilles Carbon Reduce certification
- Environment, social and governance: Stonbury’s strategy
- Stonbury joins the 5% Club
- Improving wellbeing through partnership with Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity (LCIC)
- Reaching out for new talent
- Stonbury launches ESG strategy
- Making biosecurity a priority
- Storm tanks: A UK priority
- Safeguarding UK potable water
- Ongoing SHWEQ initiatives
- Restoring Britain’s rivers
- Building a better world
- Solving the wastewater problem
- A thriving workplace delivering exceptional results
- Storm Flows: is green engineering the answer?
- Supporting the Green Recovery
- Stonbury: The Sustainability Specialist
- Stonbury’s journey to Net Zero carbon
- Environmental engineering for people and planet
- Wastewater solutions for a resilient future
- Reedbeds: playing a key role in water industry carbon reduction
- Stonbury secure initial 3-year Refurbishment Framework with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
- Green engineering: working with the environment to build a better future
- Stonbury secure position on multi-lot Framework with Severn Trent & Hafren Dyfrdwy
- DWI Regulation 31
- The importance of surge vessels
- Stonbury acquires Kingcombe Aquacare
- Category: News
- Stonbury rebrands, unveiling new purpose, vision, and values
- Emergency response to restore water for 12,000 residents
- Stonbury welcomes Sarah McMath as Non-Executive Director
- Stonbury welcomes Jeremy Campbell as Chief Growth Officer
- Stonbury joins the RICS Conflict Avoidance Pledge
- Stonbury achieves place on Northumbrian Water’s Wider Ecosystem Framework
- Unlocking potential, enabling change
- Stonbury secures place on United Utilities Detailed Design and Build Lot Non-Infrastructure Framework
- Collaboration and innovation at Midlands Stand Down Day
- Stonbury awarded a place on the Environment Agency’s Asset Operation, Maintenance and Response (AOMR) Framework
- Stonbury announces acquisition of Panton McLeod
- John Scott named Stonbury Employee of the Year
- Bourn new build reservoir
- Stonbury: A 40-year legacy
- Stonbury secures Anglian Water framework
- Stonbury appoints new Commercial Director
- Stonbury joins the Science Based Target initiative
- Stonbury appoints Chief Financial Officer
- Stonbury resecures framework with South Staffordshire Water
- Inspiring young people to succeed
- Stonbury stand down days
- Stonbury secures a place on SSF & RGF framework with Thames Water
- Carbon reduction scheme
- Stonbury is Disability Confident Committed
- Triflex Training Academy welcomes Stonbury
- Stonbury secures significant investment from equity investor LDC
- Stonbury welcomes Trevor Hoyle as new CEO
- New year sees the Stonbury Group brands merge into one
- Stonbury takes the heat out of UU reservoir project
- Service reservoir floor refurbishment
- Lake restoration
- Improving water quality compliance
- Marine outfall repairs
- Application of bonded membrane to cylindrical columns
- Reservoir roof replacement
- Diesel tanks & bunds
- Slow sand filter refurbishment
- Spillway repair
- Service reservoir demolition & new build
- Large-scale reservoir refurbishment
- Constructed wetland refurbishment
- Refurbishment of treatment tanks
- Large-scale weir removal
- Improving water conveyance
- A new fish counter & eel pass
- Storm tank installation
- Badger mesh works
- Bio-filter live repairs
- Fish rescue and relocation
- Flood alleviation scheme
- Gauging station equipment installation
- Harbour desilting & flood gate release
- Natural flood management & habitat enhancement
- New build tertiary treatment plant
- Sludge tank refurbishment
- Steel baffle curtain solution
- Storm tank upgrade solution
- Surge vessel revitalisation
- Tunnel lining works
- Wastewater outfall repairs
- WWTW capital growth & maintenance
- WWTW roof replacement
- Loose liner installation
- Loose membrane application
- M&E & pipework inlet alterations
- Magnetic vents for access covers
- Maintenance works
- Media bays
- Mountain stream intakes
- New build inlet structure
- New build reservoir
- New build reservoir partition wall
- New build transformer concrete bunded base
- Public park desilt
- Liquid membrane solution
- Outfall structure repairs
- Pipe bridge refurbishment
- Pipe bridges refurbishment
- Primary settlement tank repairs
- Pumping station bridge replacement
- Railway culvert repairs
- Rapid gravity filter tanks
- Reducing carbon in riverbank maintenance
- Reedbed refurbishment
- Reedbed refurbishment works
- Reedbed refurbishments
- Reservoir dividing wall construction
- Reservoir refurbishment
- Larinier type fish pass installation
- Reservoir roof refurbishment
- River channel works
- River embankment maintenance
- Lagoon repairs
- Lagoon repair and refurbishment
- River survey
- Lagoon refurbishment
- Riverbank badger exclusion
- Invertebrate surveys
- Riverbank erosion works
- Invasive species clearance
- Internal & external service reservoir refurbishment
- Roof refurbishment over live water
- Sample tap chamber construction
- Service reservoir asbestos removal
- Service reservoir refurbishment
- Silt removal
- Slow sand filters repairs
- Slow sand filters
- Sludge holding tank refurbishment
- Sludge tank foundations
- Sluice gate and channel works
- Internal & external reservoir refurbishment
- Inlet chamber reconstruction
- Impounding reservoir & spillway refurbishment
- Impounding reservoir
- Hydrometric station asset maintenance
- Historic reservoir refurbishment
- Headwall replacement
- Hartshill digester refurbishment
- Habitat protection during reservoir repair
- Sluice gate release
- GAC tank refurbishment
- Spillway & head wall maintenance & repair
- GAC backwash tank refurbishment
- Spillways programmes
- SR refurbishment
- Flume weir repair & refurbishment
- Staircase schemes
- Start up to waste bag replacement
- Flood mitigation
- Steel bridge fabrication & installation
- Flood bank slippage repair
- Steel bridge refurbishment
- Steel sludge holding tanks refurbishment
- Steel tank coating application & removal
- Fish counter installation
- Filter tank refurbishment
- Steel tank refurbishment
- Steel water tower demolition
- Steel tank refurbishment & roof replacement
- Stepped access design, fabrication & installation
- Storage lagoon construction
- Storm lake refurbishment
- Filter bed refurbishment
- Storm tank construction
- Fill point injection hatches
- Storm tank repairs
- Surge vessel access & lining refurbishment
- Emergency bank stabilisation works
- Surge vessel refurbishment
- Embankment and flood wall repairs
- Trash screen fabrication & installation
- Eel pass fabrication and installation
- Debris clearance
- Trickling filter column repairs
- Water feature maintenance
- Water liner installation
- Water sample tap cabinets
- Water tower roof refurbishment
- Water tower steel roof fabrication
- Water tower valve replacement
- Water treatment works contact tanks refurbishment
- Wave wall investigation
- Critical asset repairs
- Weed rack fabrication
- Dam and watercourse refurbishment
- Contact tank cover replacement
- Weed screen replacement
- Weir & dam refurbishment
- Circular tank insulation installation
- Wet well refurbishment
- Wilford Bridge refurbishment
- Circular service reservoir refurbishment
- WRC filter channel repairs
- WTW contact tank solution
- Chalk stream restoration
- WTW surge vessel replacement
- WWTW automated system installation
- WWTW tank repairs
- Bridge & spillway refurbishment
- Break tank construction
- Boardwalk refurbishment
- Bank stabilisation
- Bank restoration
- Bank reinstatement and erosion protection
- Bank re-profiling
- Baffle wall replacement
- Aqueduct conduit bridges waterproofing
- Aerial tree works
- Access track installation
- Access platform
- Abandoned reservoir conversion
Focus areas
- Service reservoir minor civils services
- Tree management services
- Storm tanks
- Surge vessel services
- Weed control
- Weed and vegetation management
- Water tower refurbishment schemes
- Water asset dechlorination
- Wastewater assets
- Vegetation management
- Spillway refurbishment
- River restoration
- River asset construction & maintenance
- Reservoir safety
- Neoprene gaskets
- Live working
- Land and river management
- Invasive species control
- Ground maintenance programme
- Green engineering
- Flap valve installation
- Fish rescue
- Fish & eel passes
- Fabrication services
- Environmental landscaping and habitat works
- Environment programmes
- Emergency response
- Clean and chlorination