Access platform

Stonbury was asked to fabricate and install a bespoke access gantry, fencing, ladder and gate at an outfall in Bristol due to unsafe access for maintenance teams.

Access platform

The outfall consisted of four flap valves situated at just above low tide level on the River Avon. Two of the flap valves were the responsibility of Wessex Water and the other two were Environment Agency assets.

The existing access to these valves consisted of dilapidated ladders and had been red carded, however, the site was required to have safe and easy to use access for routine maintenance purposes.

Stonbury fabricated the bespoke access gantry inhouse, to a design by Jacobs UK Ltd. The 3-tonne access gantry and associated fencing, ladders and gates were then delivered to site in kit form and installed using a crane where required.

The installation had to be meticulously planned due to the tidal nature of the site and to comply with the terms of the intertidal license.

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