Our nature-based solutions support ecosystems, protect people, and enhance the quality and resilience of water resources – all with the aim of creating a better, more sustainable environment. Whether the task is habitat creation or community safeguarding, our environmental programmes are designed to work with nature, not against it.
Our team of environmental specialists are dedicated to helping clients achieve their goals in a way that is kind to our planet and promotes sustainability. Our green engineering programmes and nature-based solutions help restore biodiversity and mitigate the impacts of flooding and drought. From natural food management to river restoration and wetland creation, our projects safeguard resources and protect communities from the extreme weather events associated with climate change.
Our services
Our collaborative approach harnesses the collective knowledge of our clients and expert engineers to co-create innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions throughout the catchment. Supported by industry-leading techniques and cutting-edge technology, we’re able to fully understand the challenges our clients face to identify the best solution to any problem.
Our timely and robust environmental asset maintenance ensures built and natural assets continue to operate optimally, protecting their longevity and avoiding environmentally harmful and costly interventions. Our routine services throughout the catchment address issues promptly to avoid system failures while causing minimal disruption to the asset’s operation and the surrounding environment.
We help clients upgrade and maximise existing assets, reducing the need to build new. Our innovative environmental asset enhancement programmes save our clients time and money by modernising ageing and obsolete infrastructure and restoring natural habitats – achieving goals while preserving the environment and future water security.
We work closely with clients, communities and local suppliers increasing circular economy thinking to tackle the climate crisis, prevent biodiversity loss and address crucial societal needs.

Environment assets
- Channels, culverts, embankments & bridges
- Fish & eel passes & fish counters
- Flood defences & sea outflow
- Gabion baskets
- Lagoons, lakes, ponds, parks, rivers & streams
- Gauging & hydrometric stations
- Sluice gates
- Weirs
- Wetlands
- Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
- Invasive species management
- Groundwork
- Tree management
- Constructed wetlands
- Watercourses
- Aqueducts
- Access steps & platforms
- Badger sets
- Boardwalks