At the beginning of the year, Stonbury was re-certificated for the Achilles carbon reduce programme, which allows the company to measure, manage and report on its carbon footprint. This will help Stonbury in achieving an overall reduction in carbon emissions, ultimately benefitting the environment, the business, their customers, and the future of planet earth.
“With environmental concerns climbing the agenda for all kinds of legislative bodies, companies need a way of showing the world that they work sustainably. The Carbon Reduce scheme, (formally CEMARS) certification is the perfect way to do it.” (
Externally audited and verified through Achilles and Toitu Envirocare, the programme is certificated in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018 and targets have been set, meaning a real push across the business to achieve them.
Stonbury is pleased to show a reduction in overall GHG emissions, with an aim to achieve a 10% reduction by the end of the next reporting period:

This is the fourth year of reporting under the Toitū carbon reduce programme. An absolute reduction of 78.94 tCO2e has been achieved against base year (01 July 2018 to 30 June 2019). A reduction in emissions intensity of 7.29 tCO2e/£M has been achieved based upon a 4-year rolling average, adjusted for inflation.