
Stonbury secures a place on SSF & RGF framework with Thames Water

Stonbury secures a place on SSF & RGF framework with Thames Water

Stonbury is extremely pleased to have been awarded the Thames Water Slow Sand Filter Framework, securing a place as one of the multi suppliers for lot 5: Refurbishment of Rapid Gravity Filter and Primary Supplier for Lot 2: Refurbishment of Slow Sand Filters.

Over the next 3 years, with an option to extend until 2031, Stonbury will be providing part or complete refurbishment services to Slow Sand Filter and Rapid Gravity Filters which are part of the water treatment process that provides clean drinking water to Thames Water customers.

“Our Thames Water contract renewal is testament to the productive and successful relationship the team has built over recent years. We will continue to build on our relationship with Thames, collaborating closely, growing our services and providing quality work over the next framework period.”

Stuart Brooks
Framework Delivery Manager

Typical scope of works for the slow sand filters will include the removal and installation of porous floors, concrete masonry and repairs, replacement of coping stones, channel lintels and pipework, clearing debris and repairing cracks to filter walls and sub-floor. Rapid Gravity Filter works will include removal and replacement of existing media and nozzles, cleaning of internal filters, including walls, launders and penstocks and civil repairs to the filter structures, plant and pipework.

Stonbury is looking forward to continuing and expanding their work with Thames, and helping to achieve their goals through the delivery of sustainable and innovative services.

“We are delighted to have secured the Slow Sand Filter and Rapid Gravity Filter Framework with Thames Water, providing us with further opportunities to maximise the service life of their assets, and in addition, it will allow us to build and develop our teams within the Thames region.”

Iain Weir
Sales and Marketing Director
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