A waterproof render was applied to the floor and left to cure. Following the cure period, pull-off tests were re-used to determine successful adhesion. During this stage, heating and dehumidification units were installed to reduce the moisture levels and ensure the temperature inside the tank was in line with the manufacturers’ information for use’ documents prior to the second coating application.
Once the temperature within the tank had risen, and the moisture levels had dropped, the first coat of a regulation 31 approved, elastic polyurethane membrane was installed. Three coats of the waterproof membrane were applied and a rough brush finish was achieved to form a non-slip floor covering for safe access into the tank for future maintenance and cleaning.
On completion of the application works and curing stage, pull-off tests were completed for the final time. A slip test was also carried out to ensure safe access into the tank. Following a final inspection with the client, the asset was signed off and handed back ready to be cleaned, chlorinated and returned to service.