Case studies of our projects across the UK.

Large-scale weir removal
On behalf of the EA we successfully opened 340 miles of catchment in the largest project of its kind - in the country - by removing a 70 meter wide, 900 year old medieval weir. Removing the weir significantly improved fish migration, spawning grounds and habitat. Fallen water levels have also allowed natural ecological processes to recommence.

Improving water conveyance
Flash flooding has become a major challenge across the UK affecting both water catchment and the wastewater network, making projects that maximise water conveyance and reduce flooding a vital part of our work. This particular project re-enabled the effective operation of a flood storage area upstream.

A new fish counter & eel pass
A complex project in the South West of England, commissioned by the Environment Agency. The project involved the fabrication and installation of an access gantry, fish counter and eel pass, ensuring that fish and eels - an endangered species - are able to pass safely, promoting biodiversity and ensuring the species continues to spawn and thrive.