Weed Control

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, commonly known as Floating Pennywort is a non-native invasive species that is spreading rapidly throughout canals and other watercourses. Capable of growing at around 20cm per day, Pennywort creates thick strands of vegetation, obstructs water flow and often out-competes native species. Pennywort can also increase the risk of flooding in some areas.

With the ability to regrow from small fragments, at a rapid rate, Pennywort can cause suffering to native species by blocking out the light, deoxygenating the water and reducing water temperatures. Control measures are vital to minimise the adverse effects Pennywort has on the environment.

Stonbury offers mechanical and chemical weed control solutions to reduce the dominance of pennywort throughout the UK and lessen the negative impact to water margins, fish and pond life.

Mechanical Control
With the use of a robust weed harvester, Stonbury has the capability to clear large areas of invasive weeds, in an economically viable and environmentally friendly fashion.

The weed boat is a cost-effective solution that also eliminates the health risks associated with the manual removal of weeds.

- Shallow draft
- Weed cutting depth to 1.8m
- Hold capacity of 3.5m³
- Discharge speed less than 2 minutes
- Excellent operator control, vision & manoeuvrability

Chemical Control
Stonbury also has experience in the use of chemical weed control, an effective control method, when used at the correct time of year. Herbicides containing glyphosate are used to treat small areas of Pennywort, often used in conjunction with a long-term programme to ensure effectiveness.

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