
Emergency response to restore water for 12,000 residents

Emergency response to restore water for 12,000 residents

Stonbury provided 24/7 emergency support to safeguard and restore water services for 12,000 residents following a boil water notice.

Initially collaborating with our client for routine maintenance works on a twin-cell Final Water Tank in Tynywaun, the team encountered extreme weather challenges, including snow and heavy rainfall. These conditions caused severe site flooding and contamination within the tanks, leading to a boil water notice affecting 5,000 homes and 12,000 customers, declaring an emergency within the region to restore safe drinking water to the affected communities.

Stonbury mobilised several teams across the UK and Wales to provide 24/7 emergency support. Reactive works were needed on both cells of the Final Water Tanks to return them to service and remove the boil water notice. This involved completing the ongoing overbanding and replicating this in the second cell and installing a waterproof membrane over both cells to safeguard against potential ingress. It was to be delivered safely and promptly despite challenging conditions on-site at the time. 

We’re pleased to report that both cells were successfully restored, and the boil water notice was lifted, providing a safe and reliable water supply for the affected communities. As a result, multiple of our teams across Wales involved, were recognised as the Water Programme Reactive Team of the Month with our cleint in January for their work on a the project.

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