The staircases were designed to the clients’ standard specification and the existing grounds prepared, ready for the new staircases. Any existing access ways in place were broken out and removed prior to works.
Shuttering and reinforcement were then set up to form the new steps before the concrete was cast to the shuttering, forming in-situ steps. Once cured, these were stripped and anti-slip nosings added to each step face. Handrails manufactured by design were then installed, improving the safety for all who require site access. Handrailing was also installed on other similar schemes to valve house roofs and raised or exposed edges of tanks etc.
In addition to the staircase scheme, galvanised gantry’s around any exposed access covers were also installed. These were most often located on tanks with access covers and typically located near corners with grassy banks or other obstructions, meaning confined space entry equipment could not be set-up safely. The new galvanised gantries, staircases and handrails now allow safe access into the designated tanks for all future inspection and works.