Stonbury move towards 100% green renewable energy across several of their UK sites.
With the intention to reduce both environmental impact and cost, Stonbury have switched energy suppliers at four of their office locations across the UK, including; Beverley (East Yorkshire), Skelmersdale (Lancashire), Morpeth (Country Durham) and Plean (Scotland).
The switch follows exhaustive research into various producers and energy consultants, and the realisation that a new supplier would be extremely beneficial to Stonbury and their efforts to reduce the companies carbon footprint.
Working alongside Lumina Energy, a bespoke energy package has been established over the past three months in preparation for winter and the inevitable drop in temperature.
The deal spans over the next three years, and based on previous usage, will save Stonbury around £8000.00 per annum.
“As a company we are extremely enthusiastic about reducing the carbon impact Stonbury has and are actively pursuing additional fuel reduction strategies. I am one of several people tasked across the business to look not just into energy but also our LCV and company car fleet. We are also looking at developing recycling initiatives throughout Stonbury to further reduce our carbon footprint".